Thursday, December 19, 2013

Craziest Husband

Five years of covenant relationship, yes! Five years ago I made this rather radical promise to this stranger (it was an arranged marriage). Promise to live together in highs and lows, in wellness and sickness, until death do us apart. My only trust was in my God who is faithful (arranged also by my God, I believe.). Really some ups and downs, without His grace, we wouldn't celebrate today. Marriage is a sharpest tool my Savior uses to rub my hardest edges. Sanctification we call, and yes it is mostly done through marriage, I am convinced. My honest confession is, this is the one place I miserably fail, but keep getting up, walking holding the hands of my faithful God. Please don't mistaken me, my husband is as sweet as he could be, as Lysa TerKeurst mentioned “Even a great husband makes a very poor God". He couldn't fill all that I need, he is not even equipped to do that.
As I read my bible verse on my anniversary day, God spoke to me through these verses,
“Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands, for this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves. They submitted themselves to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord.”  1 peter 3
I was convicted, I knew in my heart it is right to obey my authority, and submit to my husband. God has spoken to me in many different situations about this but this time after I poured my heart and ask God to bless our marriage, in our wedding anniversary day. This is what He says, “SUBMIT”. My arrogance to submission is a real problem. Knowing I might fail many more times, I took a pledge and said, “Lord I will obey you, help me Lord to see when I am not submitting, and give me grace so I will submit, I don’t want to be the hindrance for our marriage being blessed”.
I got ready and happily came down, I don’t know if it is a test from my Lord or a trick from my enemy, my husband came down with the red pants and a very dark shirt. Red is blood red pants. I asked God, “What am I supposed to do? Should I let him go with this attire to church on our wedding anniversary? Should I let him be the object for laugh? More than anything what will people think about me?(how right James 4:1-2 is)”  And I said to myself, “Any way presenting my opinion is not un-submission it is just a suggestion” I told him, “this attire looks so funny, do you really want to wear this today?” He is very determined and said, YES. Ok, now my controlling face came out, “Lord I will submit but not when he is crazy like this”. Then Lord reminded me the later part of this verse, “Crazy, who could have a crazier husband than Sarah? Just think, a husband wants to sacrifice the son (son born after tremendous battle with infertility). Who could be crazier than that? But she still submitted to his will. Why you can’t just let him wear what he wants, it is not even submitting, but just not controlling.”
 The context here is Lord can take our submission and use it for his glory, He can use it as a means to bless our marriage. I don’t believe in sacrificing children, and I don’t encourage you to obey your husband when he is causing any harm to you or your children. Abraham had a very direct revelation, God indeed spoke to him directly and Sarah had witnessed it first-hand. We don’t have that kind of privilege. On top anything else, God sacrificed his Son for all our sins once for all thus no more lives need to be sacrificed. I am trying to just emphasis the importance of our submission in order for our marriages to be blessed. I think, if Sarah had submitted none of us have an excuse. J
God Bless.