Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First lesson of my motherhood journey

“Praise the Lord”, this sentence might only express very little of my gratitude to my God for this beautiful gift of life, that He created in my womb, and culminated in my hands now. What a privilege, yes I am a mother to this beautiful, perfect little Girl. If I say, “she is a miracle”, some of my friends might get offended, as they are really fighting for the miracle baby. Five years of marriage, two years of serious trying, two miserable losses, one hospital stay during pregnancy, multiple medications and injections, other than that this was an event less journey. Exhausting labor and beautiful end, oh! Forgot to praise God and thank my anesthesiologist for the magical epidural. Anyways, we named our daughter NESIA- meaning miracle of the LORD. We all agree any child is miracle, ok she is definitely our little miracle.
First few week of my motherhood, even though exhausting, with lots of help, and high rush of my adrenaline, it was super exciting. I couldn't quite get the words to explain the joy of the “new mom”. In the third week this reality hits, my sweet baby got her first flu. In spite of friends saying I am over reacting and my mom consoling it is quite normal. I can quite justify my agony, any mom can relate with that emotion. Your three weeks old baby is coughing every 5 minutes or so, and in the end make some sounds as though it is bothering her so much. It is hard to watch.
As my husband enter into our room after work, I ran to him and trying to hide my tears, said," she didn't sleep the whole night, was coughing every five minutes, I am very scared". My spiritually simple husband (comparatively), held me close and whispered," Even though, she is our little angel, she is a human, and has her own share of sin and suffering, that we can't change".
How I wanted to tell him, how amazingly he touched my spiritually swollen (comparatively) mind by his simple words. How he leads me naturally, what a profound and first lesson in my motherhood is taught in his simple words. But I just instead asked," You don't think I am overreacting, do you?” He held me closer and said, "Absolutely not, we will go to the hospital and check just in case." Rest of the story is our family business.
P.S- Nesia is doing absolutely fine now, what a scary first cold, what a profound first lesson.
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Well written Ahila. Loved the lessons you are learning. Loved the contrast of spiritually simple and spiritually swollen wisdom in raising a child. Loved what your husband said. It is indeed profound. Also loved the fact that he balanced it with what needed to be done.
