Friday, May 23, 2014

It is better than perfect.

Few weeks ago as I was surfing through the net I stumbled upon this website with fantastic natural sounds All of sudden a great idea came into my mind; I am going to play this wonderful music and get into a hot tub for at least half an hour tonight. It seemed to me like the perfect plan, I have no giants against this plan because my little girl goes to sleep at 7.30, my husband doesn’t work Mondays, and I have enough of left over for dinner so this is just a perfect plan. I was just waiting for that time. I even left work a little bit earlier. Went home explained all my plans to hubby. I washed and got my little girl all ready for bed, feed her, and rocked her sleep, and I set her in the crib. Nearly excited, fixed the living room, and ready to jump into the tub, then I hear this little groaning that grew to become a scream. My sweet little girl woke up and ready to be carried. She sleeps well, 100% at least for three hours, now awake. I could swear you; she somehow knew my plans for the night. I didn’t lose my patience went back; with soothing voice rocked her to sleep, she fell asleep, just set her in the crib. Oh, just in two seconds same groaning grew to become screaming. All right, this circle went on for few times, I was almost in tears, my very supportive husband unaware of all these downstairs having his own time (he is very supportive, I don’t know what happen to our household that day). It seemed as though the entire universe is plotting against my plan. I was indignant, why not I have half an hour of my time in the tub? I looked at her sweet face; she definitely wanted to be in my lap. I had a choice to get angry at both of them for denying my tub time or enjoy this perfect moment. I looked and remembered the days I longed for this moment, to have a baby in my lap. I held her so close to my chest and whispered in her ears, “I love you baby,” she was sleeping, but smiled at me (I am not making this up). She surely smiled; God reminded me it was still so perfect, actually more perfect than what I planned. I know for some of you it may not be a hot tub that you desire, it could be just a few second bathroom break, or  time to take the quickest shower, that you are denied. There is something perfect about the season that you are just living in, either thinking back, or looking forward might clear that perfectness of today’s moment. Remember, it is very true; like Solomon says there is a season for everything, not to have a hot tub bath with music of nature, but enjoy the perfect smile of your little girl in your lap.
God bless

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