Thursday, March 22, 2012

Find Your Unique Calling

Find Your Unique Calling
Uniqueness, individuality, difference between human natures, these are the virtue of human beings. Just imagine if we all act, talk, and think similar this world will be one uninspiring place. Modern day culture encourages you to be yourself. As I was meditating God’s word, this is remarkably true even with the calling we have from God. We have a unique calling from God, maybe there are other people called for similar work but every calling is unique. I believe God did not create anybody to, just do the same think that I am called to do and vice versa. This does not mean if I am not doing what I am suppose to do that will stop God’s plan or kingdom advancement, but I believe my calling is unique and so as yours. In this article, I am trying to compare two different specific calling from Jesus to New Testament believers.
Demon demon-possessed man in the region of the Gadarenes
In all three gospels, of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the incident of Jesus restoring this terribly demon possessed man is mentioned. Even though, Matthew mentions another man who was also possessed by demons, the other two gospels gave importance to this one man who was possessed by demons. This man had a hard life, did not live in home for a long time, did not wear clothes, terrible life that a human can have.
I used to work in the psychiatric unit, and used to seeing people, not in their mind, the anguish the patients and their family go through (I am not saying psychiatric conditions are demon possession, but the symptoms explained in this passages are truly much similar).Jesus had a passion for this man and restored him and casted out the demons. He is restored. I have never seen a fully cured chronically ill psychiatric patient. I could only imagine if anyone can totally cure them, how thankful this person and the entire family would be for the person who treated them. I conjecture similarly, this person who was healed, not asked but begged to go with him but Jesus had the unique calling for this man, He said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you.” He did the same, and began to tell in the Decapolis, how much Jesus had done for him, and all the people were amazed.
Jesus Calls His First Disciples
Jesus called his first disciples to come and follow Him. He was calling them to leave everything as it is and follow Him. In all three gospels Matthew, Mark, and Luke, accounts this solemn incident of Jesus calling His first disciples. None of these people begged to follow Jesus, but Jesus did call them intentionally. In the gospel of Mark, it is also mentioned without delay Jesus called them.
Comparison of callings
In above mentioned two incidences, the demon possessed man is begging to go with Jesus, but Jesus denies him to go with him. Jesus gives this man a unique mission to do. In the contrary, in Luke 5-8 Simon peter realized he was a sinful man and says, "go away from me, lord: I am a sinful man”, but Jesus calls him and other disciple intentional y to leave everything and follow him without delay. In eternal prospect, both of these missions are imperative. I cannot say which one is superior. Jesus gave his life for every one of us. So there is no superior or weaker calling in eternal prospect, but it is about what is your unique calling and fulfilling it with the entire capacity.
I believe if Jesus had asked the disciples to go and preach in Decapolis that had been less efficient, in the case of the witness of demon possessed man it is first hand information. The people lived in Decapolis did see that the person was possessed and troubled but now healed. So I believe that the witness from this man means a lot to them. I love listening to lovely testimony in TV, Radio, and the internet, but nothing compares to testimony from my own church. So I think this is one of the logical reasons for this unique calling but God knows past, present, and future. He knows the inmost thoughts and there may be multiple other reasons for these two different callings.
It would have been a serious problem, if the demon possessed man would have asked “why God, you are intentionally calling people to follow you by leaving everything? When they are not even asking for it, and I am begging to go with you and you deny?" Or if the disciples had said," We will stay back here, and minister to other fisher man or people live in Galilee". So comparing your mission with other ministries is as unintelligent as this. If it is small or large, call to leave everything or to stay in your place and preach, it is extremely critical that we exactly respond to God’s unique calling.
Time of calling
I would like to add one more thought to this article, God calls us even before people finds us, for example, in the incident of Jesus meting Nathanael. Nathanael asked Jesus, ‘how do you know me”, and Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Many times God sees us even before men can call us or confirm the call, so your unique ministry from God is already decided, and He is the only person, who have complete knowledge of that ministry. It is necessary we get first hand information from Him, However I am all for other Godly people confirming your call. Bible explains many other people who are called uniquely for their ministry according to will of God. I hope and pray we will find our unique ministry from Jesus and fulfill it with all our capacity. God bless.

Please refer –Mark1& 5, Luke 8& 5, Matthew 8:28-34.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ahila, love your blog! Welcome to the blogosphere and may God abundantly bless you and increase your skill in writing. Renju.
