“A species of flatworm has been discovered to be potentially immortal - raising hopes that the ageing process in humans could be combated” (Woollacott, 2012)
This and many other head line news makes me think about the critical question that the Human species ask today, can we overcome our creator? Or is there someone who is a creator?
The purpose of this article is to answer many other questions including the two above mentioned questions, with in authors believe and rational, in no way this article is trying to prove that there is God that conviction is to be personal rather than influential. In fact, no religion or the scared books are trying to prove that there is God in contrary to atheism and humanism; instead they just declare the God’s nature.
On the journey to beat up the Creator, if man reaches the place to create human from soil just like God created once, than below will be the communication between God and human, according to an unknown pastor,
Man- God, “I learned to create a human from soil, as you claimed you did”.
God – “ok, go ahead and make one”
Man – Bending down to pick up the soil
God-“mm hum, make your own soil first.”
Interesting right?
Is atheism and humanism are religions?
Religion simply has to explain the set of belief concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. Atheism and humanism simply denies that there is a super natural power that created universe, and the existence of the super natural power ("Dictionary.com", 2012).
Including the most recent published scientist ideas about universe in summary are,
1. Approximately 13.7 billion years ago, the entirety of our universe was compressed into the confines of an atomic nucleus and it exploded and created universe
2. There is no centre of the universe! According to the standard theories of cosmology, the universe started with a "Big Bang" about 14 thousand million years ago and has been expanding ever since
3. Dark energy is responsible for this expansion, and NASA Explains “Dark Energy affects the Universe's expansion, More is unknown than is known about dark energy, it is an important mystery. It turns out that roughly 70% of the Universe is dark energy”
4. Nobody really knows the height, length, width, and depth of the universe (NASA, 2012).
In fact human species could not yet comprehend, not with one but all great minds put together, the reason for the compression before big-bang, actual center of the universe, or is there a center of the universe? , if it is expanding, why is it expanding? What makes this expansion possible? Basically as whole human species, our knowledge about our universe is speck in the eternity of its mystery. Atheism and humanism does not deny the evidence of our fractional knowledge about universe, they just argue that there is no supernatural power that is responsible for creation of Universe. They Claim, “One day, human being will see the entire universe and find what is dark matter, and the million other mysteries in our universe.” well, then it is possible even that, by the end of it, they can find the greater power which created all this too. If, God is a myth, don’t you think big bang and other explanation of creations is more so? Neither can be proved if any human is trying to, just because, we are human and not God. If a person start to say, “I will only believe what I see” the entire world will mock at that man, because the existence of the Universe and dark maters, and the expansions are evidence of science and to an extent proved by researches, However human being cannot see its existence completely.
Now back to the definition of religion, if we don’t really know the universe and it is phenomena, how could we explain the cause, nature, and purpose of it without including supernatural power? Atheism and humanism does not try to explains any thoughts of it is own but simply trying to disprove what they don’t have adequate knowledge about, so in all rational it is not a religion of its own but could be a parasitic religion because it needs other religions to exist and simply try (but fails) to disprove the power of super natural existence.
If there is God, and He is good, why many wrong things happen?
Just because humans are not the robots with pre installed programs by God, but we are the crown of the creation and God chose to give us “free will”.
What is free will?
God has a control over everything in the world including human beings; however He let human choose their action depending on their own will. The ultimate controller is God.
Why He gave this free will?
Again we are not even close identifying the creation complete, how much do we know about the creator? Only so much that He Himself reveled in many different ways, but that doesn’t prove that He does not exists. But in my rational, I would like my children to love me with their choice but not my force; this could be the same simple reason, that God want us to search Him and do good deeds like Him, just because we love Him, but not because that is what He instilled in us.
If God is true, why He did not answer my question when it was crucial for me?
“God is not an ATM machine”, May be it sound radical, but this is the great word I heard from one of my favorite radio show, I am sorry to state this here, but we cannot treat this creator God to be our ATM machine, and just say, “ ok, you don’t give me what I want, so you don’t exist” , remember you could argue it in either way, but the purpose of this article is not to prove God but to explain some rational thoughts of mine.
Can we ask?
The earth, why do you rotate in 24 hrs, why not 30 hours? No
The sun, why the flares and radiations, why not just the light and energy? No
If we cannot even ask questions to the creation that they are so above our power, what about the Creator, and His thoughts, we either can understand or deny His existence just because, He does not act the way we want Him to.
This is not the question but the statement, many atheist makes, this article does not answer but respond to the below statement,
Religions are responsible for all the killing and problems, so let us get rid of them.
Now here, I am not trying to explain which religion is true but simply explaining why religion is not responsible for all the killing and problems. There are many criteria, to come to a conclusion of what is a true religion and what is not? But this is one of the simplest thought about religion that I guess most of us will agree upon.
(Elsaie, n.d), “Religion should convey a message that does not contradict human intuition and accepted morals.”
If a true religion should teach us something that does not contradict human intuition and accepted morals, how could religion be the cause of destruction? I have never seen any human being argue that mere killing is right, but they might have all their reasons for the murder they committed, so now is it a fault of the reason or the intuition? Every human if they search in their heart in normal mental capacity, can rationally think and say what is right and wrong, at least the fundamentals. To kill is wrong, to rape is wrong, without anyone telling us, but how ever a person can in his own rational thought misinterpret his religion and give all kind of irrational reasons for his killing and radically blame it on his religious teaching, and that is not a fault of the religion but the fault of the individual who is commuting it. For sure, any religion in its full, teaches to kill innocent people is not a religion at all.
In contrary religion teaches us morals, build families the fundamental units of intact society, it keeps us accountable. In a closer and clear look, the problem and killings are caused by the people taking the religions name and not really knowing them in depth, so instead of getting rid of the religion, we can teach our children the depth of the religion and all the aspects, so we can create a peaceful and better community.
Finally, Atheists argue, the evolution and other theories are not in favor of the Creator God,
I am repeating this many time that I am not trying to prove that there is God, instead giving my own rational explanations, evolution is not a proven fact but a theory. If you say that God is not proven but a theory, and you accept the evolution, you have not so much to boost about your intelligent and rational ideas but just to boost about your own choice in those two theories.
Evolution struggles great deal of inadequacies, just like the big-bang mess, few of the common arguments of the evolutionist against the creationists are,
There are connections between two different species,
Are you kidding me, this is exactly what I am trying to say, there will be a connection between two species just because there is one God who created all.
There are vestigial organs in our body
Remember ,God did created human being but the creationists are not at all against the micro evolution, that is may be Adam was dark and now we are all, white, brown, dark many colors, that does not make us birds.
There is no intelligent design in human body?
This is the only arguments that make me argue, as a nurse, and learned at least the necessary anatomy and physiology; I was always amazed at the mechanism of human architect. The amazing way of conception and development, the exceptional way the brain and nerves works, the miracle of life and death, if you call it a bad design, why don’t you at least remotely make something closer to this yet?
There are science and rational all against evolution, we can argue but at least the few common basics for the evolution can be argued even by a lay person like me, without any biology background.
Finally I would never be able to prove that there is God by my power because I am a mere human, but God revealed himself to us in many way, it is easy for us to question His existence because of our ignorance, if you are going through that session of life, hold on and search more, search rationally, with all the blame of atheism and rationalism claims against God and religion, if only can this Human race open the eye and look at the vast creation and amazing ways we our self operate, we will stop wasting our energy in overcoming our creator, instead get His help in improving the future of our human race with our “free will” allowed by our creator. God bless.
Dictionary.com. (2012). Retrieved from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/religion
Elsaie, A. (n.d). The Religion Criteria. Retrieved from http://www.usislam.org/47relig.htm
NASA. (2012). Retrieved from http://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-is-dark-energy/
Woollacott, E. (2012). TG Daily. Retrieved from http://www.tgdaily.com/health-features/61735-flatworms-could-reveal-secret-of-immortality
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