Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How much can God forgive?

I am not sure; if it is a common feeling or specific to me, but I always had a question can really God forgive my “BIG” sins?  Never, quite understood the grace fully, but let me try to portray my newly found understanding of grace with the following scenario. I and my husband were sitting in the beautiful seashore, one tide gently touched our feet; other just moved us to the different directions. Suddenly he took a handful of mud and buried my feet, and as I was struggling to get my feet out of mud, one tide came by my feet, cleansed the mud completely. Can I compare the sand in my feet with the water in the sea? This sea can pretty much clean me as well, if he would have buried me in with the mud. Grace is like the sea, looking from my prospect my feet is buried with the mud and how am I going to get my feet out? But for the sea it is nothing, nothing at all. God’s grace is like a sea, you cannot quite understand how much it can clean, but you can understand your sins are nothing compares to His grace, that He earned by sacrificial death of His son(Jesus Christ).
I also thought what If I was standing far from the sea? Can it wash me? No. I have to be close to experience this cleansing. From our prospect our sins is huge, but in His prospect He can forgive it completely with nothing; however, this cleansing process takes our intentional effort; we have to go next to Him, allow Him to clean us, and believe that He can clean us completely.
Understanding Grace is complex, but without GRACE OF GOD there is no foundation for Christian faith. Let God forgive you, believe He can forgive you, and experience true forgiveness, more than anything after you are forgiven, forgive yourself. God bless.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I love my lacking

Truly I love my lacking, I have lacks in my life that I would give anything to get them fulfilled, but in spite of the burning desire to get everything I need, I still love my lacks for the very reason that they keep me depend more on my Creator.

I am a person who loves to have control over everything at least to those things that would affect me, my family and friends but that could very well be my sin sometimes. My Pastor mentioned, “Sin is nothing but missing God’s purpose” I believe God does want me depend on Him for everything small and big, for the stuff I long for and for the stuff I don’t care much.

When my Doctor said, “This is going to be another miscarriage” me and my husband both ego, “what can we do to prevent this from happening again?” You could not believe the answer, “Nothing” the doctor replied coldly (I don’t blame him, how many times can he cry everyday) but you could only imagine the frustration in both of our eyes. I was confused; there should be something I could do to prevent, if not me, then this doctor who has a special degree in doing so, but nothing? The humanity in its sixth sense can do nothing to prevent my misery. Then I realized no, I can do one thing, depend on my God, who knows the count of the strings of my hair and also the name of every star that I see in the sky and I don’t see. I love  my lacking that keeps me from sinning against God by self reliance, I love my lacking it reminds me of my humanness, I love lacking more than anything that keeps me depending on my Creator.
God Bless.

Same old bible makes lot of sense now

As I am looking back the previous years when I started reading the bible, I actually read the whole bible before but never made lot of sense, never felt this much interest I am feeling now, specifically when I get to certain parts of bible, my pastor says “Every single word in bible is inspired by Holy spirit and we cannot omit any part of it” but I did not quite treated every word same. However all of a sudden, I am no more forcing myself to read these verses but seems like I am indulging in these verses totally with my being. I even ask my husband to continue with whatever plan and continue to dwell in these verse longer than my allotted prayer time, why is this change?

I start to read my bible in different prospect; this is the same old bible but makes lot of sense now. Ever since I started believing in this God, I was reading bible as though God is giving me direction for that day and that’s all. I went to bible either to get to know how my day is going to be or to get some encouragement from God that all is going to be well, there is nothing wrong in that but I don’t see every verse in bible is just doing that, if you’re a person who “learned” bible (not “read” like me for so long) would definitely know this to be true. I found a gap between these two of my mottos and some of the verse in bible, it just didn’t make sense to me, but found this new purpose of this great books, in which every words is inspired by the Holy spirit Himself , who hovered over the universe before any of these incidence came into being, that is bible reveals the very nature of my God, everything that I need to know and understand about the magnificent person whom I never met face to face but deeply in love with, is revealed in this book  perfectly and beautifully. Oh, now I could not stop reading my bible and it all makes sense. I hope you read your bible with different prospect too. God bless.