Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How much can God forgive?

I am not sure; if it is a common feeling or specific to me, but I always had a question can really God forgive my “BIG” sins?  Never, quite understood the grace fully, but let me try to portray my newly found understanding of grace with the following scenario. I and my husband were sitting in the beautiful seashore, one tide gently touched our feet; other just moved us to the different directions. Suddenly he took a handful of mud and buried my feet, and as I was struggling to get my feet out of mud, one tide came by my feet, cleansed the mud completely. Can I compare the sand in my feet with the water in the sea? This sea can pretty much clean me as well, if he would have buried me in with the mud. Grace is like the sea, looking from my prospect my feet is buried with the mud and how am I going to get my feet out? But for the sea it is nothing, nothing at all. God’s grace is like a sea, you cannot quite understand how much it can clean, but you can understand your sins are nothing compares to His grace, that He earned by sacrificial death of His son(Jesus Christ).
I also thought what If I was standing far from the sea? Can it wash me? No. I have to be close to experience this cleansing. From our prospect our sins is huge, but in His prospect He can forgive it completely with nothing; however, this cleansing process takes our intentional effort; we have to go next to Him, allow Him to clean us, and believe that He can clean us completely.
Understanding Grace is complex, but without GRACE OF GOD there is no foundation for Christian faith. Let God forgive you, believe He can forgive you, and experience true forgiveness, more than anything after you are forgiven, forgive yourself. God bless.

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