Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ten Commandments for a Wife

       I.            Do not anticipate your husband to fill your voids, which is meant for God.

   II.            Pray continually and diligently for your husband, if the enemy failed in tempting you, he will turn to your husband.

III.            Don’t use your Physical intimacy as a weapon or a treat; it is a free and special gift in marriage from the Creator.

 IV.            Celebrate your husband’s victory in public but mourn your husband’s failure privately.

    V.            Let your husband lead without anxiety, ultimately God is the one leading.

 VI.            Submit to your husband completely, this is obeying the sovereign God.

VII.            Respect your husband in your heart and words; it is a choice not a response.

VIII.            Do not treat your husband neither as a son, nor as a father, he is your “HUSBAND”.

 IX.            Use forgiveness abundantly in marriage, you have been forgiven by the righteous God.

     X.            Freely and fully allow him to express in words and deeds, whom God created him to be, so you won’t hinder the ultimate purpose for his life.