Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How foolish was my mother’s heart?

I wanted my daughter,
To understand God’s love without being unloved by another human being,
 Be healed without being sick ever,
Be molded into His likeliness without being broken,
Be protected without being in danger,
Be saved without sinning,
Be provided without being in need,
Be comforted without crying.
How foolish was my mother’s heart?
 After few months of this journey. Finally! I laid her in His arms and said, “Lord, whatever it takes, do it to get her attention towards you. And, Keep her gaze upon you, in you more than anything.”
 Now I know, she might be hungry; broken; sinning; in danger; in lots of needs, but I also know that it will all work for her good. If, only she faithfully follows Him. I shifted my prayer focus to one thing, that she would love God with all her heart, soul, and mind. That prayer gives me hope, not everything will be good, but definitely in everything God will work for her good (Romans 8:28).
Quick application, there is nothing wrong in simple prayers for our children, to be happy and holy. It is much important to pray that they will LOVE OUR GOD.
God Bless.
Ahila Prabu