Tuesday, April 22, 2014

When you feel like Elijah!

 I work for a secular school and have encounters with variety of students. Every time, I bring up a topic about absolute truths, I get very few responses. Most of the students are either against it or indifferent. In their ignorance, somehow being indifferent is equality. One day, as we were discussing about the genome projects involving embryos and ethical issues. Most of my students argued for the project except one. I was not surprised. But, when I asked that one student why she is against it? She said, “I am just against it, but can’t explain the reason”. Then, I was surprised.  For most of the Christians, who are working in secular places, it seems like, we are the only one left. We are lost in the midst of strong anti-Christian views, and subtle or irrational Christian views. Neither one is helpful. It feels like we need to cry out to God and say, “I am the only one left, and they are trying to fire me too….”

I feel the need for Christians,
Ø To understand the reasons for believes. If we say using embryo’s for project is wrong, we should be able to defend by sharing the start of life at conception. If not we fail.
Ø To instil in our children the values with its reason.
Ø To always encourage questions and answer them rationally with the authority of God’s word.
Ø To not be afraid to expose our children to other views cautiously.
Ø To finally be assured, that everything in and the earth itself belong to our Lord, and He is Sovereign. You are not the only one left, God reserved many thousands, who are zealous for the Lord then and even now.
God Bless.                                                                                             

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