Monday, December 29, 2014

And then, I want to Say.........

My sister was upset about my nephew’s grades and very stress out. If you are not an Indian parent; it might be hard for you to comprehend stress children’s grades put in parent’s life. I understand her, not necessarily agrees with her. As she was talking I thought about that day, when I will be disappointed with our little girls actions. It might not be the grade she gets, but could be million other things, actually million other potential situations. I told myself, “Let me rehearse, mainly now “that” situation seems far enough, I possibly train my mind to perfect when the real race begins” What are the words I would like to say? When “that” season of my life starts! Not like situations when she spills milk, but the real mistake; more like a strong sin, sin that will painfully reveal the depravity of my sweet little girl. Then I want to say,
“You are worth more than the Grades you get,
More than the trophies you won,
More than the speed you drive,
Mistakes you make,
Sins you commit,
Failures you have,
Times you fall,
Time you wake up,
Chores you complete.
Yes, you are worth more than anything you possibly could do or not do. You are worthy enough that the Creator of this enormous universe came down and laid His life on the cross. You are worthy enough that the Never Changing GOD engraved your face in His palms, and wait for you to come running to him.
You are a miracle that happened in my life, when I was shattered by the words of this world; you came like a sweet healing in my life. When my faith was tested to the core as I loosed two of your siblings in miscarriage, you came as an incomparable reward. You are NOT a result of some random fusion, my little Girl, never believe that lie. You are handcrafted for filling my life with joy that only you could have filled.
You are truly “A miracle of my God”.
I Love you no matter what.
But there are consequences for every single choice you make, my sweet Baby, would you choose HIM, Who chose you and Whose you are!

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